Rosemary Oil Pakistan


100% Pure Rosemary Essential Oil In Pakistan – Antiseptic Skin Tonic

Rosemary essential oil is naturally anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and antiseptic, making it an excellent skin tonic for any skin conditions caused by excess bacteria or congested pores. It stimulates healthy Hair Growth. May Improve Brain Function (strengthen memory) and mood. It is also known to alleviate pains and digestive discomfort.

SKU: 500 Categories: , Product ID: 232


Earthling Rosemary Oil Price in Pakistan:

At Earthling, the price of rosemary oil is only Rs: 500/- for a 10ml bottle.

Buy Rosemary Oil Online:

Rosemary essential oil is naturally anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and antiseptic, making it an excellent skin tonic for any skin conditions caused by excess bacteria or congested pores. It stimulates healthy Hair Growth. May Improve Brain Function (strengthen memory) and mood. It is also known to alleviate pains and digestive discomfort.  Enhance hair and skin health while boosting brain function for men and women of all ages.

It is one of the most effective Oils for the face. It is known to have antimicrobial and antiseptic qualities that can make it beneficial in eliminating eczema, dermatitis, oily skin and acne. It fights best against oily, congested and Acne-Prone Skin. It tightens and tones the skin cleanses and clears the pores. Also used as a body massage. 

What Is Essential Oil:

 Essential oils are compounds extracted from plants, steam distilled & unrefined. The oils capture the plant’s scent, flavour, or “essence.” Unique aromatic compounds give each essential oil its characteristic essence.  They are most commonly used in the practice of aromatherapy.

For Aromatherapy:

Rosemary oil is a natural product that can boost mental clarity and concentration with its energizing and uplifting effects. It can also reduce fatigue and exhaustion by improving blood circulation. Rosemary oil can have different effects on different people, such as being relaxing or calming. When used in aromatherapy, rosemary oil can create a relaxing and tranquil atmosphere, which can help ease stress and anxiety. Our pure rosemary oil can also help with respiratory problems, such as clearing the sinuses and making breathing easier. This can be especially helpful for people who have allergies, asthma, or other respiratory issues.

Rosemary Essential Oil For Skin:

Rosemary Essential Oil is a natural product that can improve the skin’s health and appearance. It can heal various skin problems, such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis, by neutralizing free radicals and reducing inflammation with its powerful antioxidant properties. It can also fight against bacteria and other harmful pathogens that can cause skin infections. Rosemary oil has a toning effect on the skin, which can shrink pores and make wrinkles and fine lines less visible. Applying rosemary oil to the face overnight can make the skin look smoother, firmer, and younger. 

For Hair:

Rosemary oil is a natural product that can help your hair grow healthy and strong. It can increase blood flow to your scalp, which brings more nutrients and oxygen to your hair roots. It can also reduce scalp inflammation and strengthen your hair roots. Rosemary oil can keep your scalp clean and free of dandruff and other infections with its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Moreover, the refreshing smell of rosemary oil can relax your mind and reduce stress, which can also support healthy hair growth.

Regular Use Benefits:

Fight Against Acne:

Rosemary oil is a natural product that can help you fight acne. It can kill acne bacteria that can infect your pores with its strong antibacterial properties. With its non-comedogenic properties, it can also prevent your pores from getting clogged by oil or dirt. This way, rosemary oil can clear your pores and protect your skin from future breakouts.

Tightens Your Skin: 

Rosemary oil is a natural product that can make your skin look tighter and smoother. It can shrink your pores with its astringent effect, which means it can make your skin less oily and more firm. Rosemary oil is perfect for people who have oily skin. You can use rosemary oil for skin whitening in many of your skincare products to get consistent benefits. Your skin will be clear of blemishes and look fantastic.

Promotes Hair Growth:

Rosemary oil is a natural product that can help your hair grow faster and healthier. It has a light texture that gives your hair a shiny look and a bouncy feel. It can also repair your hair if it is damaged by chemicals or heat. It can make your hair stronger and prevent it from breaking or splitting. You can use rosemary oil every day to get the best results.

Prevents Hair Loss:

Rosemary oil is an anti-inflammatory herbal oil that promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss. It increases cell renewal and protein synthesis in the hair, making it thicker and stronger. Hairline growth and hair regrowth are some of the benefits of using rosemary oil for hair care.


It helps balance the nervous system’s action, reducing stress and tension. In addition, rosemary is a potent anti-depressant that lifts the spirit and makes you feel good.


If you experience cold fingers or toes, massaging with rosemary oil may help warm them. It also has a known ability to treat headaches, relieve muscle pains, and alleviate rheumatism and arthritis.

Used To Improve Mood & Reduce Anxiety:

Boosts Immune System: Contains myrcene; this chemical is a powerful antioxidant, hunting down free radicals that can damage your cells and cause infections and diseases.


It also improves water retention and elimination, which helps to keep the system hydrated, balanced, and free of toxins; it is suitable for oedema, obesity, and cellulite.

How to Use:

Used topically (combined with carrier oils and moisturizers) and externally (i.e., around the home).


  1. Add 5-7 drops to a diffuse filled with water.
  2. Like above, use reed diffusers in a container of carrier oil with 3-5 drops of essential oil instead.
  3. For massage: Dilute 15 drops in 50 ml of your favourite carrier oil (e.g., argon, olive, coconut, almond and peppermint oils) for the face and body.
  4. Consult with a Doctor if you have any severe Skin Issues.


  • For external use only.
  • Avoid using it if you are pregnant.
  • Please keep it away from children.
  • Store it in a cool, dry place.
  • Avoid contact with your eyes.

Botanical name: Rosmarinus Officinalis.

Pack Size: 10 ml.

Order now and get fast shipping in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad. and all over Pakistan.


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